
Abella’s Private Reading & Session Fees

NEW FEES — $19 for 10 minutes, $39 for 20 minutes, $99 for one hour.  Does not include speciality services such as in-depth astrological consultations, psychic life coaching, etc.

Please see fees & what you will get below. And if this chart confuses you, check out the basic fee information here.


Half Psychic Session  
Preferred Rate: current client, usually receive session within 3 business days
Full Psychic Session  
Preferred Rate: current client, usually receive session within 5 days
Full Rate: new client, receive session within 10 business days
Psychic Life Coaching / Wisdom Guiding  
Introductory SAME rate for everyone. 8 sessions every two weeks for 30 minutes First session $45 for 45 minutes.
Packages – Package A (4 sessions)
Package B (6 sessions)
The Works!Understand yourself, your career, your love, your life!
Insight Chart – Personality ancient wisdom profile

  • Individual Session rates range from $50 to $135
  • USD, AUD, GBP dollars accepted
  • Add $75 for an Email or Recorded session
  • Payments can be made by
    • New Clients: Paypal, credit card, & Interac Money Transfer
    • Existing Clients: Paypal, credit card, Interac, cheque, or cash
  • Sliding scale is considered so please notify us if you are in financial stress!
  • Bartering is considered if comparable in value, tangible and not a service.
  • Free reading days are in the pipeline as well for those who can not afford

Half Psychic Reading (1/2 hour)

This session is not recommended if you have serious long standing issues, many concerns or questions to be explored, or it’s your first time having a session. A full (1 hour with bonus) available for new clients. A light session is only for clearly defined questions with little ambiguity or complexity. You may ask between two and four questions with a minimum of two being answered.

Includes life/soul reading and answers to your questions. FEE: $60, receive session within 3 business days.

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Full Psychic Reading (1 hour plus *bonus) *best value*

This session is available if you have serious long standing issues, concerns to be explored, or you are a new client. This session can address complex issues and explore new action plans to a better future. You may ask between four and eight questions with a minimum of four being answered. Also, an full astrological report is emailed to you before the actual reading ($135 fee).


Full Session FEES  
Preferred Rate: current client, receive session within 5 days
Full Rate: new client, receive session within 10 business days

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Psychic Life Coaching (Eight 30 minute sessions twice a week)

A Psychic Life Coach uses the skills of a psychic and a coach.  Coaches are cheerleaders and they help fine tune your natural skills and talents, they help you reach your goals by getting a firm understanding of what it is you want and what is blocking you. Coaches ask powerful thought-provoking questions while Psychics have been known not to (they already know, people say!).  Psychics wipe a foggy window clear so that you can see what is inside. They tell you about what was, is, and will be based on historical trends and what is currently happening.  The basic job of a Psychic is to tell, to tell the story of your life.  In combination with story telling, some psychics give advice (Psychic Consultant), others heal (Psychic Healer), and others teach (Psychic Teacher), a Psychic Coach asks. More details.

  • Find, set, and meet goals
  • Overcome blockages
  • Get powerful insights
  • Feel better
  • Connect with someone who cares
  • Be the star that I know you are!

$45 for first 45 minute session and then $50 for seven 30 minute sessions thereafter.  Cancellation after first session is accepted.

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Package *best value*

Multiple sessions are beyond having a lot of questions on your mind. It’s for seekers who want to re-invent their life and bring happiness, peace, and contentment. It’s for seekers who are ready to be challenged and to see themselves for who they currently are and how they want to be in the future.

We look at all kinds of life issues: relationships, career, education, health, money, etc.. and this is where you can receive on-going Past Lives Recall Therapy without the use of hypnosis. This (nor are any of my sessions) is not for destiny oriented seekers who believe they can not create a better future for themselves or who wish to take no responsibility for what happens to them.

Multiple sessions are for free-will seekers who are finally ready to face themselves and their life circumstances and then do something about it.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you ready for some solid direction and guidance?
  • Is your life hard and full of obstacles?
  • Are there blocks that are hard to remove?
  • Do you feel like your spiraling out of control?
  • Do you think your friends and family are unable to cope with your problems and concerns?
  • Do you want to understand yourself better?
  • Would you like to draw a stronger foundation and life action plan?
  • Have you been told to get therapy or professional help?
  • Have you been on a roller coaster ride for some time and you want to get off now?
  • Do you want a professional friendly guide to introduce you to new insights and considerations?
  • Would you like professional and objective recommendations?
  • Are you stuck and in a rut?
  • Are you ready to jumpstart the star that you are?
  • Are you at a crossroads in life? Considering changing jobs, leaving a partner, going back to school, etc.?

Have you said YES to any of these questions? Then multiple sessions will be very helpful in getting you on track.

Benefits of doing multiple sessions:

  • you won’t feel rushed with VIP service
  • questions and concerns can be explored in depth and over time
  • on-going scheduled assistance gives peace of mind, direction, and focus
  • homework, resources, action plans, and feedback between sessions are given for reinforcement
  • much less expensive than coaches who do not even use metaphysical tools


  • Emailed insight report totaling between 5 and 10 pages
  • Five intensive coaching exercises to help gauge where you currently are and where you want to be
  • Reading, coaching, counseling, guiding, and consultation approaches
  • Homework and resources to reinforce a session and set a foundation for your action plan
  • A final action plan & follow up

Package A

4 sessions starting with one 1 hour phone session followed by two live 1/2 hour phone sessions and one final email summary session. FEE $280 CDN / $270 US (long distance extra). Sessions are scheduled two weeks apart.

Package B

6 sessions starting with one 1 hour phone sesion followed by four live 1/2 hour phone sessions and one final email summary session) FEE $360 CDN / $350 US (long distance extra). Sessions are scheduled one week between the first two 1/2 hour sessions and then every two weeks

Please note: Package sessions can not replace licensed professionals such as psychologists, lawyers, financial professionals, doctors, etc.; however, they work quite well in tandem with these professionals or stand alone depending upon your needs.

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Insight Chart

An insight chart takes into account the energy that surrounds you, your past, present, and potential future. The chart is highly focused (and accurate) on your purpose in life so if you have wondered or want to confirm what you are here to do on earth, this will really help you find peace of mind. This report can also focus on love, outlook, educational opportunties, challenges and obstacles, and so on. This report takes into account your uniqueness and no two charts are exactly the same.

Please send your date of birth along with payment. Your time of birth and location is completely unnecessary so this is a really great alternative to an astrology report.

Insight Chart FEE– Personality ancient wisdom profile
$35 USD
$30 CDN

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The Works!

“Skip the mistakes, get the works!”

This is for the soul seeker who wants it all right away so that they may plan out their educational, career, and love pursuits with certainty. Wisdom Guide, Abella Arthur, supports, encourages, consults, coaches, advises, guides, and cheerleads you toward the happy life you deserve.


  • Package A plus 2 extra in-person session hours
  • Three personality tests with analysis and discussion
  • Three ancient wisdom profiles with analysis and discussion
  • As per Package A, a wrap-up game plan & follow up

The Works! will change your life.

The Works! – Understand yourself, your career, your love, your life!

This can be paid in two monthly payments. Please contact to split payments.

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Half Session  
Preferred Rate: current client, usually receive session within 3 business days
Full Session  
Preferred Rate: current client, usually receive session within 5 days
Full Rate: new client, receive session within 10 business days
Packages – Package A (4 sessions)
Package B (6 sessions)
The Works!Understand yourself, your career, your love, your life!
Insight Chart – Personality ancient wisdom profile

Abella Arthur, a professional who has read since 1996, can help you with love, work/career, business, education, money, health, and the daily challenges in life.

Abella is a psychic, medium, and divinatory Certified Professional Tarot Card Reader (CPTR) who uses many esoteric spiritual tools, methods, and practical information to help you manifest the happy and healthy life you desire. She has a professional and educational background in coaching, counseling, consulting, management, analysis, and training.

As much as readings are insightful, positive, uplifting, and productive they can be entertaining as well and make for a great birthday gift, yearly centering, party entertainment, and/or discovering the personality of self and others.  Abella reads successfully by phone and sometimes does email, instant message, and in-person (Toronto, Canada). She also guides people on learning how to read.

Her testimonials prove that many others have been satisfied and you are likely to be satisfied too but in the unlikely case you are not, Abella guarantees her work. Please take some time look at the many different readings you can get (or customize your own reading) and check out the testimonials!

What are your rates based on?

My rates are based on my expertise (Certified Professional Tarot Reader who is accurate), breadth of ability (tarot, astrology, numerology, palmistry, pendulum, face reading, psychic, medium, etc), my session difference (reading (tells), coaching (asks), counseling (heals), consulting (advises), exploring (discovers), and guiding (teaches), education (business, career & work counseling, and art), outside work experience (people manager, business analyst, customer service), inside work experience (over a thousand readings — I stopped counting!! hehe), demand (there’s a lot of people who want readings from me), availability (I’m often scheduled 1-2 weeks in advance), before and after care, and many more reasons. 🙂

If you do not like what I have to offer, that’s okay! However, consider booking an appointment with a recommended reader at http://www.JucyJasper.com

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